Friday, October 12, 2007

Bush is out of his mind...

I posted below on this horrendous crime and here you have President Bush backing one of the vicious murderers of Elizabeth Pena and Jennifer Ertman.

Jose Medellin deserves the death penalty...

The intervention in the case by the Bush administration comes after the International Court of Justice found Medellin was not informed of his right to contact the Mexican Consulate for legal assistance.

That, according to the Hague, was a violation of a 1963 treaty known as the Vienna Convention.

"We find ourselves in an unusual position," Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz told the Houston Chronicle. "Texas is not regularly litigating against the United States. But sadly enough, the United States will appear alongside Medellin at the argument."

Medellin v. Texas will be argued Wednesday and could determine the fate of Medellin and 50 other Mexican killers on death rows in the United States, including more than a dozen in Texas. All of them say they were not told of their right to contact Mexico for legal help.

To hell with Mexico, these people deserve the sentences they get for the crimes they commit.


Jack Schlatter said...

The fact that four liberal justices voted to extend this animals life...Obama used Gingsberg and Bryer as his idea of good judges...
All the criminals in America are pulling for this good friend of the terrorist William Ayers to win the Presidency

Freedom said...

People wake up ! Obama, Bush, Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid they all want this thug to remain alive and rot in prison. They want the TEXAS tax payer to support this animal until his dying day in prison. Thank God the Supreme court ruled accordingly and finally brought justice for these two slain young girls and there families. The fact is clear Obmam would like nothing more than to subject our military and our citizenry to a one world court. People, Im not ready for this, we are a sovereign nation quite capable of taking care of our judicial affairs. All you so called liberal progressives (what ever that means) cry me a river baby, because today justice was served.... God Bless the Supreme Court.