Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were 14 and 16 years old, respectively. They were friends who attended the same high school in Houston, Texas, Waltrip High School.
On June 24, 1993, the girls spent the day together and then died together. They were last seen by friends about 11:15 at night, when they left a friend's apartment to head home, to beat summer curfew at 11:30. They knew they would be late if they took the normal path home, down W. 34th Street to T.C. Jester, both busy streets. They also knew they would have to pass a sexually-oriented business on that route and so decided to take a well-known shortcut down a railroad track and through a city park to Elizabeth's neighborhood.
The next morning, the girls parents began to frantically look for them, paging them on their pagers, calling their friends to see if they knew where they were, to no avail. The families filed missing persons reports with the Houston Police Department and continued to look for the girls on their own.
The Ertmans and Penas gathered friends and neighbors to help them pass out a huge stack of fliers with the girls' pictures all over the Houston area, even giving them to newspaper vendors on the roadside. Four days after the girls disappeared, a person identifying himself as 'Gonzalez' called the Crimestoppers Tips number. He told the call taker that the missing girls' bodies could be found near T.C. Jester Park at White Oak bayou. The police were sent to the scene and searched the park without finding anything.
The police helicopter was flying over the park and this apparently prompted Mr. 'Gonzalez' to make a 911 call, directing the search to move to the other side of the bayou. When the police followed this suggestion, they found the badly decaying bodies of Jenny and Elizabeth. Jennifer Ertman's dad, Randy Ertman, was about to give an interview regarding the missing girls to a local television reporter when the call came over a cameraman's police scanner that two bodies had been found. Randy commandeered the news van and went to the scene that was now bustling with police activity. Randy Ertman appeared on the local news that evening, screaming at the police officers who were struggling to hold him back,
"Does she have blond hair?Does she have blond hair?!!?"Fortunately, they did manage to keep Randy from entering the woods and seeing his daughter's brutalized body and that of her friend Elizabeth. The bodies were very badly decomposed, even for four days in Houston's brutal summer heat and humidity, particularly in the head, neck and genital areas. The medical examiner later testified that this is how she could be sure as to the horrible brutality of the rapes, beatings and murders.
The break in solving the case came from, of course, the 911 call. It was traced to the home of the brother of one of the men later sentenced to death for these murders. When the police questioned 'Gonzalez', he said that he had made the original call at his 16 year-old wife's urging. She felt sorry for the families and wanted them to be able to put their daughters' bodies to rest. 'Gonzalez' said that his brother was one of the six people involved in killing the girls, and gave police the names of all but one, the new recruit, whom he did not know. His knowledge of the crimes came from the killers themselves, most of whom came to his home after the murders, bragging and swapping the jewelry they had stolen from the girls.
While Jenny and Elizabeth were living the last few hours of their lives, Peter Cantu, Efrain Perez, Derrick Sean O'Brien, Joe Medellin and Joe's 14 year old brother were initiating a new member, Raul Villareal, into their gang, known as the Black and Whites. Raul was an acquaintance of Efrain and was not known to the other gang members. They had spent the evening drinking beer and then "jumping in" Raul. This means that the new member was required to fight every member of the gang until he passed out and then he would be accepted as a member.
Testimony showed that Raul lasted through three of the members before briefly losing consciousness. The gang continued drinking and 'shooting the breeze' for some time and then decided to leave. Two brothers who had been with them but testified that they were not in the gang left first and passed Jenny and Elizabeth, who were unknowingly walking towards their deaths. When Peter Cantu saw Jenny and Elizabeth, he thought it was a man and a woman and told the other gang members that he wanted to jump him and beat him up. He was frustrated that he had been the one who was unable to fight Raul.
The gang members ran and grabbed Elizabeth and pulled her down the incline, off of the tracks. Testimony showed that Jenny had gotten free and could have run away but returned to Elizabeth when she cried out for Jenny to help her. For the next hour or so, these beautiful, innocent young girls were subjected to the most brutal gang rapes that most of the investigating officers had ever encountered. The confessions of the gang members that were used at trial indicated that there was never less than 2 men on each of the girls at any one time and that the girls were repeatedly raped orally, anally and vaginally for the entire hour.
One of the gang members later said during the brag session that by the time he got to one of the girls, "she was loose and sloppy." One of the boys boasted of having 'virgin blood' on him. The 14-year-old juvenile later testified that he had gone back and forth between his brother and Peter Cantu since they were the only ones there that he really knew and kept urging them to leave. He said he was told repeatedly by Peter Cantu to "get some". He raped Jennifer and was later sentenced to 40 years for aggravated sexual assault, which was the maximum sentence for a juvenile.
When the rapes finally ended, the horror was not over. The gang members took Jenny and Elizabeth from the clearing into a wooded area, leaving the juvenile behind, saying he was "too little to watch".
Jenny was strangled with the belt of Sean O'Brien, with two murderers pulling, one on each side, until the belt broke. Part of the belt was left at the murder scene, the rest was found in O'Brien's home. After the belt broke, the killers used her own shoelaces to finish their job. Medellin later complained that "the bitch wouldn't die" and that it would have been "easier with a gun".
Elizabeth was also strangled with her shoelaces, after crying and begging the gang members not to kill them; bargaining, offering to give them her phone number so they could get together again. The medical examiner testified that Elizabeth's two front teeth were knocked out of her brutalized mouth before she died and that two of Jennifer's ribs were broken after she had died. Testimony showed that the girls' bodies were kicked and their necks were stomped on after the strangulations in order to "make sure that they were really dead."
The juvenile, Venancio Medellin, pled guilty to his charge and his sentence was reviewed when he turned 18, at which time he was sent to serve the remainder of the sentence in prison. The five killers were tried for capital murder in Harris County, Texas, convicted and sentenced to death. See US 5th Circuit Court summary of this case.
Derrick O'Brien was executed on July 11, 2006 for the murders of Jennifer Ertman, 14
Elizabeth Pena, 16 and Patrica Lourdes Lopez.
Sean Derrick O'Brien
Executed July 11, 2006 06:19 p.m. CST by Lethal Injection in Texas
26th murderer executed in U.S. in 2006
1030th murderer executed in U.S. since 1976
14th murderer executed in Texas in 2006
369th murderer executed in Texas since 1976
Derrick O'Brien was a ninth-grade dropout, who had previous arrests for shoplifting a pistol, assault and auto theft, and was also a suspect in a murder six months before the girls were killed but never was charged. Evidence put him at a Houston park where the body of Patricia Lopez, 27, was found. A beer can carrying his fingerprints was found under the remains of the woman. She had been raped, eviscerated and had her throat cut.
Two of the gang members, Efrain Perez and Raul Villarreal, had their death sentences commuted to life in prison when the Supreme Court last year barred executions for those who were 17 at the time of their crimes.
Peter Cantu, described by authorities as ringleader of the gang, remains on death row without an execution date.
Jose Medellin, who was condemned and who O'Brien said was at one end of the belt being pulled around Ertman's neck as he yanked on the other, had his case returned to the state courts under an order from President Bush. Medellin is among some 50 Mexican-born offenders who argue that under international law they should have been allowed assistance from the Mexican Consulate before trial.
A sixth person convicted, Medellin's brother, Vernancio, was 14 at the time and received a 40-year prison term.
Does anyone know when Peter Cantu will get the needle?
i have children.... even if i didnt... this story has made me physically ill.... im so F**** mad right now... i would be happy to execute all of them.
Fuck that nigger and all his beaner buddies!!!
This human debri all need executed ASAP and stop wasting our tax dollars on this trash. God may have mercy on your soul (I doubt it) but we sure as hell shouldn't.
I can't believe these nigger punks have been alive this long in prison. What's wrong with our "justice" system?
All of these degenrate scum bags should have received the needle. But not before the families of the two victims get to have their retibution.
I just caught this. I was so enraged at these scum and utterly heartbroken for the poor girls, their families and friends that I missed this little bit of info.
That piece of shit President of ours jumped in this to SAVE that scum bag mentioned in the last paragraph. He will jump in to help Mexicans and give them more than justice but won't do a thing for US Border Patrol Agents Ramos & his partner who are wrongfully still in prison.
The only sympathy I have for these animals is that they will have to look all mightly God in the face and answer for their actions. There can be no greater justice than that. God Bless Texas!!
I have two children and I pray for the parents of these girls. All I have to say is: "The police better find them before I do."
when america was a white christian nation this never happened ,the local god fearing towns folk [black,spanish or white] hang or shot the scum ,which in the first place never would have occured because the social climate that existed then did not produce young men to do such crimes as they know what would happen to them .angman ny
Today there was a story of Mexican Military personell holding one of our boarder agents at gun point outside of Tuson, AZ. When will Americans and our representatives recognize an invasion?
California and many other states could reduce state expenses by stopping the invasion, getting rid of the offenders and standing up for America and American ideals.
Read this link http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D92CMU7O0&show_article=1&catnum=1
If we just killed all illegal enterants at the border, we would not have problems like this.
Fire at will.
As far as I am concerned these gangsters should all recieve the electric chair and after that they should then have their heads lopped off and sent to their parents.....
The parents also need to be excuted for this crime. All of them are going to hell where they belong...!!!!!!!!!!
The solution to problems like this is to allow the families of victims the option to physically enforce legally sanctioned retribution on the defendants once convicted. I know that this sounds like old west justice but I guarentee that criminals will think twice befor they commit their crime knowing that if caught and convicted they will then have to deal with a demented and outraged POPS who sees and feels nothing but hate.Hey man I know that I would make those f****** suffer for as long as I possibly could befor I killed them.
I remember that footage of the father Randy Ertman (frantically asking the cops if she had blond hair, while the cops seemed to be saying chill out/calm down with their arms up blocking his forward movement), but there was no sound...I thought he was throwing a tantrum or something, but he just wanted to see the bodies found..
Jerry CA : May God have the girls souls in heaven . And the Sick piecies of Shit should all be Raped with Knives and Beheaded I would be Glad to do it my self to bad I dont have access to these Pieces of Shit that are still alive Including the fucking Coward that stood by as the girls lost there lives at the hands of Animals with out souls : Suggustion:: To any one Man in the Texas Prison System . These Left over Pieces of Shit Need to Die By Prison Laws There Are Many Fathers in there That have the Power to Do This !!!!!!!!!
Mexican BBQ!
I agree with Tim, Bush is a disgusting POS for trying to help these scum.
I am so mad and sad after reading this story. The pain and suffering that these two presious Angels had to go through is heart breaking.I am a parent, I dont think i could bare the loss. I am all for the execution of monsters like this and even an execution would not fell like enough. People like this will never change and they will stike again if given the chance. I dont know why people dont understand that. I will never forget these two beautiful children and thier loved ones who will mourn thier loss forever. They will be in my heart always and I just know that they are in Our Heavenly Fathers Hands.
At last!! the rest of the nation needs to follow Texas as a great example. Kept your guns and faith close.
when will we take our country back?when its to late ? the hell with globalism.close the borders and the hell with the rest of them.god bless the usa and the savage nation!!!!!!!!
It is an invasion from the south. The invasion is coming from the east soon. Mexicans and Muslims.America does not need either.Wake up POLITICIANS!!!! Secure our borders, kill all the scum like this Jose guy!!
please fabricate an electric chair that seats all these assholes. I think they should watch each other explode one by one.
These poor young women. If the death penalty did not exist, I would do the deed myself. There is no punishment too great for these weakling scum!
i like pauls idea.
gangsters should be classified as terrorists. let the green berets and special forces practice on them and use them for cannon fodder. We can get good practice for our soldiers and clean the shit off the streets.....they need to be eradicated as terrorists.
when will we take this country back from these sellout bastards! they sell there own mother ! burn those rat bastards.id love to bring that stupid mexican back to life just so i could kill and torture him and make him suffer, the way those girls die , we must arm ourselves and defend our country from all of these scum.they will not take my country i will die fighting them all we must stand up to this invasion . our goverment has been corrupted and is been taken over and we the people have no rights im sick and tired of all these as@holes.god bless the usa and the savage nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May God heal the shattered hearts of those parents;as a father I cannot even imagine their anguish… It is good to know there are special places in hell for these evil worthless dirtbags. Between here and eternity, however, individuals like this are the single best reason for more free Americans to 'bear arms' at all times. Given how many atrocious crimes like this go unpunished, any number of them can/could be prevented by armed Citizens, and, as needed, the death penalty could be carried out on the spot.
I'd also like to note that my last name is Mendoza, and I'll be happy to help load all the buses necessary to export every illegal alien in this country. While we're loading them, we can get a guilt-ridden white liberal to explain in Spanish why we're shipping them back home.
these men should not be executed. they should be put in a cell without food and let them work it out.
God Bless the great Republic of Texas for doing what has to be done. Ignore the "world court", ignore our puppet "president" and ignore the "liberal trash" and send these animals to meet their maker.
These low-life aclu lawyers, liberal activists and corrupt judges who fight for the rights of these criminals are actually fighting for their own right to burn in hell! God bless Michael Savage for having the balls to expose these scumbags for what they really are. My prayers go out to the families of these two innocent girls as well as all the families of victims of such terrible crimes. These scumbag gangster wanabees should not have gotten the needle. They should have been BURNED to death!!!!!
The invasion of our great nation will never stop until every light post is festooned with the rotting corpses of the treasonous globalist politicians! Patriots!...lock and load...our second revolution draws near!
The invasion of our great nation will never stop until every light post is festooned with the rotting corpses of our treasonous politicians. Patriots!.....lock and load...our second revolution draws near!!!!
They need to get an electric couch set up for these sick murderers. Line 'em up and pull the switch. Quit wasting our tax money on this scum.
You know how they handle capital punishment in Russia? When the gavel drops and the defendent is declared guilty they take him out behind the couthouse where a firing squad is waiting.
This nonsense in this county of letting these creeps sit in jail for 10 to 20 years before the death sentence is carried out is ludicrous.
Do you remember in the Bible where cities were burned to the ground because of the wickedness? Well, our country is getting close to that level of scum, God will be burning up cities soon. Ah, now I can get behind that global warming.
Apparently Texas is one of those places where they still cling to their guns and faith. God bless Texas!
One down, five to go.
I heard the news about those girls at work, from Michael Savage, and I wanted to cry, it's nightime now and after I read the story I felt dead inside. I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil, where the violence and crime became a routine and part of people's life. I don't want to see this here, and I don't see how my life and everybody's life is going to get any worse if all criminals like that just die.
This makes me think of God and his mercy and justice. These people responsible "Will get their Justice" many times over. God Rest these children.
When the f*kin repubs nominate the amnesty traitor McCain while true American hero Tancredo can't get more than 1% of the vote what can we conclude except that all hope is lost for America? Where can you go that isn't either hardcore socialist or dying from an invasion of 3rd worlders. Listen to Savage and Liddy. Put your kid in martial arts at age 5 or as young as they allow. Your spouse and yourself should both be enrolled in martial arts too. FBI crime statistics show that Hispanics and Blacks commit crimes of violence at many times the rate of Whites of Asians so move to a part of the country where these two minorities are as small a percentage of the population as possible. live in a conservative state that allows you to carry a concealed weapon. Learn how to use it safely and then practice using it on a regular basis. Get a good job so you can live in a neighborhood with low crime and get an alarm system on your house. Keep your children well supervised. Lastly, if you don't have firearms yet and know how to use them you better get them before November, 'cause of Obama isn't elected I can guarantee you there are going to be riots in every major city in the U.S. And the traitor in chief will probably just let it happen and do nothing just like his daddy did nothing after the Rodney King verdict.
The fact of the matter is simple: these crimes did not happen in “the world”. The offences occurred in Texas, and it is Texas’ responsibility to investigate and prosecute those that violate the Statutes of that state. The “world court” needs to mind its own jurisdiction. If you don’t want to be executed by Texas, don’t commit crimes in Texas . . . simple enough!
GOD BLESS AMERICA today and any day that we have the courage and fortitude to take a stand and say to the world court that anyone who commits a crime as heinous as this in America shall pay the ultimate price. How are we to show our belief that life is precious if we do not punish those who take innocent lives? If there is no other way to get through to these animals than to make them fear our death chambers then so be it. DR. SAVAGE has my lifelong respect, love and admiration for bringing the truth to light everyday. I pray for him and the families of Jenny and Elizabeth.
Thank you Governor Rick Perry and all others in Texas that did not cave in to the world court. You have maintained sovereignty in the face of vile liberal pressure and you deserve this nations respect.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for restoring trust in the justice system for victims.
I only wish that California had one-tenth of the moral courage that you have.
Lethal injection is such a joke. They should be burned alive. I swear to god I'd burn ever one of those f*ckers alive. People cry about how lethal injection is so horrible. How would these people feel about dying the same horrible deaths as these girls. How about their children? Would they still feel the same? We live in a twisted society. I'm not religious, however 'an eye for an eye' is the way I see it.
Burn them alive. Fucking burn them alive.
How how can people of that age do this? At that age I was trying to get up the courage to ask a girl out. It's just that you evolve into this kind of crime, so I thought. He should have died the same way he killed those girls. I would gladly pull from one one - and have a box full of belts.
The death penalty is to good for these vermin, put them all in a room together with no food or water and let their own animal behavior take control, then they will be welcomed by the devil himself with a burning emotion. I will pray for the families of the victims. Mighty MJ
keep the hammer down Mike, were all pullin for ya!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you "Pure Lilly White" people concerning your anger at these vicious, murderous, animals. We certainly know that the purness of white people would never commit such crimes. I really hate that you have made this about race when it has been about two beautiful precious souls and two loving families. They lost love and joy and sweetness. Focus on how we might protect all law abiding citizens. Don't use this as an opportunity to spew your ugly hate. You are no better than the scum that killed those lovely girls. May G_d bless the families and bring them comfort.
I don't know where to start but I don't even think that God him self would help these F***in pigs if I got my hands on them. I beleave in the justice system to a certian point. Yes they all should die, but give them no needles or electric chair. Have them do hard labor for some time and then have them stoned to the point of a messey pulp by the victoms family members and then well you get the message. Close the Borders and never forget the alamo people! Get your guns together and get ready for the next revolution that is comming. My God hold those girls tight in his arms. My Prayers will go out to the victoms families.
And my god bless America.
These pieces of shit should have been burned alive as soon as they know that they did it!!!- And ANYONE who wanted them to get away with it, sit on death row forever, or was even sympathetic to them!!
If their parents were responsible for how these pieces of shit turned out, then they should have been axed to the ground as well!! And anyone in the legal world that would even think of making things nicer for these pieces of shit (let alone getting them off) should be slowly dunked into a pool of acid!!!
THAT is what these people listen to!! If you let them EVEN START with their b.s. of how it's better, nicer, etc., to treat these pieces of crap that they didn't do anything, is WHEN YOU ASK FOR IT TO HAPPEN 100 TIMES MORE!!! If they know they are going to get tied behind a car and drug to death for it, THEN THEY'LL STOP!!! But I'm sure everyone knows this already.
My mark words. The day will come (soon, probably REAL SOON) when we (Conservatives- God's people) will HAVE to take care of these sort of matters ourselves. Our Government and legal system is turning on us more and more each day.
The evil ones in the world are getting more and more power, and they are pushing out all of those that would do right and all that should be done. Soon it will all be controlled by "satan's people," then the war will have to be fought.
I'm sure you all see it. Armageddon is coming, and it just might start in this country. Just watch for the day when someone who is incredibly guilty of murder is let off for a technicality, or because the people wants that person to get off with that murder (like Barrabas in the Bible). But then guess what, that already happened. "O.J. Simpson."
Our Government is getting weaker. They have already begun giving into those that will do ANYTHING to destroy this country, and are selling it out for their own personal wants and needs (lusts).
They are bought and bribed all the way into office by anyone who has any money to donate to their greed, so by the time they get into office they are nothing more than a whore who is getting pimped by whoever it was that financed them into office!! We all know this, the war is coming (the BIG one), so get ready. It's coming and we all know it. Mark my words.
Thank Heaven for Texas Law, and Texas Law Enforcement. People like these criminals are not like you and me and they do not deserve to share this beautiful Earth with us.
As atrociuos as this story is it is not an isolated incident. I don't mean to downplay this horror but similar, heinous crimes are committed across America every day.
The media is doing their best to keep these stories quiet because, after all, the illegal aliens are "good people, "just here to better their lives." Once in a while the story (like this one, also Jamiel Shaw, most of the Bologna family) gets too big to hide.
Tens of thousands of American citizens have been slaughtered since 9/11 by illegal aliens. Illegal immigration is an invasion the likes of which the world has never seen. Don't believe the estimate of 12 million illegals, the number is 30 million minimum. Center for Immigration studies puts the number of lllegals at close to 40 million.
Please people, SPEAK UP! E-mail, call, write your senators and reps.
NumbersUSA is and excellent, free tool to help the cause. Donations are of course very much appreciated.
Stop the slaughter!!!
The country is run from Europe and by interlocking banking and corporate directorates. We are simply their colony once more!!!The President, the courts ( prop 187 in Cali for example!) , and most of Congress have sold out to the influence and power of the New World Order. Our great military now serves the will of Empire!!! We essentially live under taxation without representation---very simply put. Expect more and more of your rights to disappear!!! Even the crazy libs shoud pay attention!!! The Texas case, among others, shows this President's loyalty: to his skull and bones international rich boy's club and not to the US. Just read Mr. Bolton's book about how this president betrays American interests both domestically and abroad ( former UN rep but resigned with disgust!!) Expect less and less that which ressembles the America our forefathers left us and more and more that which ressembles a world where only money and power matter!! A Second American Revolution my be our ony salvation!!!!!
It is sad that the criminals have more rights then the victom.
I say that the victoms family should have the last word on what should be done to them,If pain and suffering is what they want. Let it be so if they want them feed into a industrial meat grinder then so be it,or boiled in oil,or they can get some info/ideas from some vets that have been pows not that sleez bag McCain who turned his back on his fellow pows and denounced his country I am a vet I spent my time serving MY COUNTRY
a needle ? the electric chair? Like hell!!!As soon as they were proven Guilty ,all of them should of be brutality tortured, including cutting off their dicks and jamming them down their own throats.Myself as a parent of a lovely daughter, I would take the Law into my own hands to put such scum bags six feet under!!! Jail sentence or death sentence I would not Fear. Loosing their daughters and the mental hell their experiencing , I hope and pray that the girls families can find peace.
What Hypocrites you liberals are. You fought to upheld the death penalty for an innocent, Terri Schiavo, and fought to overturn the death for a demon, Jose Medellinn.
You are not interested in the sanctity of life. You can't empathize with the parents of those innocent people or with an unborn baby who is ripped from its womb. You can only emphathize with evil.....
Like you, I'm tired of all the illegals and all of the politicians and law enforcement agencies that pander to them. Please help me send a message to all those politicians who would make it so easy to turn this great nation into a third world cesspool.
Please go to my website: http://illegals-leave-now.blogspot.com/
And please sign my petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/deport-all-illegal-aliens-and-criminal-aliens-now
This is so revolting and disgusting! What kind of animals would do such a thing!? I shouldn't disgrace the name of animals because animals wouldn't do such a criminal act as these MONSTERS did! What an outrage!!! These monsters might as well have been American citizens if they came here at age 3, though I hate to say it. These precious girls had to live through such a horrendous time and then be strangled to death. I say lets do the same to these monsters. Lethal injection is too good for them. Anyone who does this type of crime is SICK!!!
It's US against THEM.
The Patriots vs the liberal verminous scum. The libs are responsible for letting these animals come across our border and consist of 99 % of the politicians, media, educators and union leaders.
There will be another revolution in this country and just like the first one, only 1/3 of our population (the patriots) will stand up and fight for our freedom.
I'll be one of them...will you?
I love Michael Savage!
The only thing sad about this story is that they were not executed a decade ago.
After reading this story I now know why I never became a cop.
I would become a defendant for shooting these animals when we found them. No Trial No Jury No Judge. Mad animals just need to be put down.
If you intentially hurt (rape/maim/kill/torture) you need to be put to death, period! you cannot rehabilitate a savage, the mold is made. I feel so bad for all the innocent victims, we need to let the parents decide the method of execution and let them carry out the mode, personally. I have no sympathy for those bastards let them burn on a stake, slowly. In my book they should die a horrible painful death. God bless the innocent souls. Watch your kids evil is alive and well and protected by the Criminal justice system.
Fuck these scum. I have children and this shit just pisses me off! They need to quit wasting our tax dollars on these pieces of shit! It shouldn't take 10 damn years to execute murderers! They were obviously guilty. They can pass go, right to the fucking chair! These poor innocent girls didn't have a chance to live! Instead they were raped and VICIOUSLY KILLED. Why should these assholes get a luxury stay in a cell. THERE WAS A TIME WHEN THE U.S.A. HAS EXECUTED FOR LESSER CRIMES! If this shit keeps up. you will have a lot of vigilanties running around killing scum when it happens to them, since our Justice system can't do it! A word to the parents: Please keep an eye out on your kids. These are obviously dangerous times and myself like other good family people pray that God will watch over and protect our children. I pray for you all and our children! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
I've just read some of these comments and am sad. Not all Mexicans are scum bags. Its sad that us good Mexicans pay for the horrible things that bad mexicans do. I have a little girl and 3 boys myself, and if anyone hurt one of my kids they would pay, I don't think my husband or I would be able to wait for legal justice.
Send them to Prince George’s County jail in Maryland. We know how to take care of rapist, murderous scum and cop killers here!
To Andrew, Tim, and any other little racist boys/girls who are posting: These were despicable criminal acts committed by gang members. Save the racial epitaphs. It is obvious you don't give a damn about these dead girls.
Lord Jesus, please have mercy on these families as they have to deal with this unbelievable horror. Please comfort them, please settle their imaginations.
P.S. I just finished reading "Sinner's in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards. If you are as angry as I am, you should read this sermon. No one escapes the awe-ful judgment of God. This sermon made me cry out for mercy. After the injections, they faced a punishment that makes what they did that day seem like a wonderful walk through the park. They sinned that day against a powerful, angry God who is in a much better position to extract justice than all of us put together!!!!! He has more power, he has all the facts, he was there when it happened and his wrath was stored up like a giant river that is held back by a dam. On the day of their death, the dam broke to pieces and they experience horror beyond any imaginable earthly horror.
P.S. II- it is not our job to judge these men. That is God's job. It is our job to arrange the meeting :)
I am more than a bit troubled that the President of the United States defended this scum in any way. Bush doesn't really seem like a bad guy but this is inexcusable. Thanks to Dr. Savage for bringing this to the American people. I would also like to know when the other murderers get the needle.
Hey folks, this Coalition should be spread all over the country. let me know if its profile is welcome on facebook. I couldnt find it. Im ready to make one. Maybe somebody can do the same on myspace.com etc. I'm just afraid there will be lots of silencing us just like google did to some bloggers. Pure fascism .
We got a conviction up here today an illegal criminal alien who ran a stop sign and killed 4 school children on a bus in Cottonwood MN.
What the hell is she doing here?
Local media tried not to notice the criminal alien aspect as usual until we twisted they're arm and forced them to tell the truth.
And Bush what is your Major F*ck**g malfunction? The liberals were right Bush is an absolute moron.
Using racial slurs does not prove your point or strenthin your argument.Use big boy words and the public will side with you.Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell.
I cant believe a current sitting "President" of ours would have the "GULL" to even consider helping out this "PIECE OF TRASH KILLER" Dr.Savage is right the Liberal mindset has taking over the majority of this Great Nation of ours! We need to wake up, defeat, and Remove this ridiculous way of thinking in this country. How could ANYONE defend this garbage! GOD Bless those two Beautiful sweet girls and their families. My Heart goes out to the grieving parents! Thank you Dr. Savage for defending our B.L.C. that you often talk about on your one of a kind talk show! H.Gephart
They should all be raped mercilessly until they die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Understand folks that the grand architecture of the New World Order includes US courts aligned with wacked out world courts, a North American Union with the Amero as its currency,---the billionaires club, world bank, and Fed Reserve committment holders ( 52% stock held by citi bank and chase manhatten---brain child of Jp Morgan, Harriman ( Bush family connection ), Rockefellers AMONG OTHERS) have been eroding this nation's soveriegnty for decades and decades. Had we listened to the prophetic voices of people like Pat Buchanan and even Ross Perot we could have stemmed the tide of globalism in the 90s---now nothing short of The Second American Revolution---political or by force--- will throw down the OLIGARCHY and restore our republic---GO RON PAUL GO RON PAUL!
What a sad state of affairs. That moronic George Bush lets our law enforcement officers rot in jail and tries to help these pieces of excrement. Slowly our good nation slides into the crapper. I hope that they're in general population in prison and that every prisoner there knows exactly what these bastards did.Texas keep up the good work, I just heard you got 4 or five more of these pieces of dung to execute next week. I encourage everyone who votes to write in Michael Savage for president, if either one of those two other ass clowns get elected, we're screwed!!!!
We all know not all Mexicans are scum, just the ones that enter illegally as well as our Congress and Persident who do nothing about illegal entry. Neither are any better than the other.
I agree with everyone who has posted a response except for JD53. These Wet Backs should have been fed alive to hungry pigs along time ago. Fuck Bush he is the fucking worst president ever. Texas was right to wipe their ass with Bush and the worlds request. And it is not about race. We can't help but it, but could have if we did not let all the worlds shit in to our country. The Facts as they are is that a bunch of niggers and spic's raped and beat 2 under aged white girls. Bless those 2 Girls, and their families.
And JD53 to respond to your comments. If we did not care about those 2 girls we would have not commented. You probably are a liberal piece of shit. Go Fuck your self.
...does anyone remember the 2000 Presidentail campaign? Well, our "President" ridiculed a woman on death row who is a born again Christian, when asked about her plea for clemency (He was Gov. of Texas). But, he asks for it for this garbage? The man and most of his administration are traitors, and I wnat them tried for failure to secure our borders and protect us from this garbage. Teddy Roosevelt would have hanged him and his father for this failure, and Andrew Jackson would have beaten the crap out of him and then hanged him.
As of January 1 2008 there was
3289 people on death row.
1351 - black
1495 - white
362 - Latino
45 - Asian
36 - Native American
I'd be happy to see all these people executed for the crimes they have committed. In due time they will.
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